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marzia stefani
Dec 8, 20212 min read
Goodbye...for now
The end of another year looms and tonight I taught my last class for now. For the past few months since going back to work full-time, I...

marzia stefani
Feb 11, 20213 min read
A Yogic view of the endocrine system
This term we have been talking about befriending the body and have been exploring the different systems of the body and how our yoga...

marzia stefani
Jan 18, 20215 min read
What I learnt in my first 5 years as a Yoga teacher
It is 5 years ago, almost to the day, that I started my first public class in a village hall in the lovely village of Mapledurwell near...

marzia stefani
Dec 21, 20203 min read
A final lesson from lockdown : ... and life is good
Oh look's 4days to Christmas ? How did that happen? It has been a long year ... or has it? everyone I speak to seems to be...

marzia stefani
Sep 8, 20202 min read
That Buddha on my shoulder ...
I once read an article by Jack Kornfield (author and Buddhist practicioner) , he was telling the story of how he managed to get through...

marzia stefani
Aug 4, 202012 min read
The F word ... my personal take on the obesity crisis debate
This morning I watched with interest a virtual debate on the latest UK government proposals to tackle the obesity crisis in the UK. I...

marzia stefani
Jun 15, 20204 min read
Lessons from lock-down : on-line classes as a springboard for personal practice
As we all keep looking on the horizon for clues of what's to come in the next few weeks and starting wondering if we'll ever get back to...

marzia stefani
May 19, 202010 min read
Lessons from Lockdown : 5 body hacks to support your mental health
The Uk lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic officially started on 23rd March 2020, how have you coped? As the re-opening looms it's time...

marzia stefani
Dec 11, 20193 min read
How many Yoga poses are there?
This week we closed yet another 6 weeks beginners course and have introduced headstand preparation poses to the group who have made such...

marzia stefani
Nov 11, 20193 min read
Why I stopped colouring my hair and why it's actually none of your business
Not your standard yoga post but some food for thought in this age of Instagram perfection and media pressure, especially but not...

marzia stefani
Oct 11, 20193 min read
4 ways with ustrasana (camel pose)
A difficult pose that teaches us a lot about the nature of backbends. The kinetic chain is fully open at the front and back of the body...

marzia stefani
Sep 24, 20196 min read
3 Pranayamas to practice regularly
Sometimes the simplest of things can have the most profound effects. Let's explore breathing and its ability to help us change our state

marzia stefani
Aug 15, 20193 min read
What's the point of Savasana anyway ?
Savasana, the corpse pose, an alien concept to anyone who is new to Yoga and a practice that takes a lot more commitment than we think ....

marzia stefani
Jul 11, 20194 min read
10 side effects of a regular yoga practice and 10 good reasons to keep it up during Summer
With the Summer holidays just around the corner and plenty of long warm evenings inviting you to socialise and indulge, there are plenty...

marzia stefani
Mar 13, 20197 min read
The A to Z of Yoga etiquette
After more than 3 years teaching , I am starting to gain an understanding of some yoga's etiquette basics that took me a while to grasp...

marzia stefani
Feb 18, 20193 min read
5 cross training moves that will improve your yoga practice
Do you cross train ( ie do something else to supplement your yoga practice like running or going to the gym)? In the last 8 months I have...

marzia stefani
Jan 22, 20195 min read
What did she say ? Yoga blah blah and how to survive it ...
"...come up onto your finger tips and feel yourself sucking the nectar from mother earth through your fingers ..." ... hang on ... what...

marzia stefani
Dec 23, 20182 min read
One mindfulness tip that may just keep you sane this Christmas
The other day I was at the gym for my usual cross-training fix and one of the circuit stations was slamming a 10 kilos rubber ball onto...

marzia stefani
Nov 14, 20183 min read
Warning! A regular Yoga practice could seriously change your life : a real-life case study
Sally started yoga with me a year ago with a friend who was suffering from back pain, this was her review after her first private session...

marzia stefani
Oct 21, 20183 min read
The power of choice
A few years ago I was welcoming a new associate to my team, he was a young, very well educated Russian and over lunch we started chatting...
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