The end of another year looms and tonight I taught my last class for now. For the past few months since going back to work full-time, I have tried , but it's getting harder and harder to get to class with a soft heart and an open mind and I can feel it's time to let go.
This is a picture from when it all begun, it was taken in June 2015, half way through my Yoga Teacher training when I dragged my then 10 year old daughter to the first ever International Yoga Day in London. Looking back I can see how much I have changed, physically, mentally and emotionally and it fills me with emotion.
I started teaching in January 2016, almost 6 years dedicated to learning and teaching the beautiful path of Yoga. I look at my time as a teacher with fondness and immense gratitude as Yoga shone a light for me when I was in the dark and helped me transform my grief and sorrow into something beautiful for me and others.
I will always be a Yoga teacher just not a very active one. I have tons of Yoga books which I will treasure until my body will be too old to move and beyond, I have donated most of my props but I still have my peaceful practice space, my refuge with that aura which makes me feel calm and focused at the same time, I still have my practice... ah the practice!
I am taking some time off to concentrate on my family, my career and other triathlon related projects but I still cannot completely let go , I intend to revive my personal practice and may share a class or two on my facebook page from time to time. I will also be running 5 retreats next year one of which will be in the beautiful island of Sicily.
I will miss teaching my weekly classes, I will miss that connection with you all, the connection with the silence and stillness we manage to create at the end of practice when it's like if nobody was there and we are just witnessing time going by very slowly . I will miss your lovely emails and thank you notes and the challenge of finding new ways to teach you how to embrace the practice without effort, because it is really all about that , finding the ease in the effort ...
There will be some news coming in the new year about private sessions and workshops so stay signed up and please continue your journey as I am continuing mine.
Find someone else to light the path for you, there are many lovely teachers around and I am gathering their details so please let me know if you would like me to share those with you.
Have a peaceful Christmas, I hope you get to spend some time with your loved ones.
Be well
Love and Light