I am currently training with the Thai Yoga Massage Training School in Cheltenham for the Thai Yoga massage practitioner diploma. Case studies are in full swing so if you would like to participate please get in touch. Next available dates will be released in February for April appointments.
Treatments will take place at the home studio and will be up to 2 hours long.
There will be a small charge of 10£ per treatment which you can redeem against a treatment once I am fully qualified. Priority is given to existing Cherry Yoga students but please email me if you would like to take part.
What is Thai Yoga Massage?
TYM is a complementary holistic therapy that brings together the Buddhist spiritual practice of Metta (loving-kindness), with the energetic principles of Yoga ( working with Prana or the life force).
The treatment takes place fully clothed and it is often known as the "lazy person yoga" as the therapist moves the body of the receiver into different supported yoga poses. A full treatment can last up to 2 hours and it is of great benefit to the body and the mind leaving you feeling rested, refreshed and super supple.
If you would like to help me with my case studies and would like to receive a treatment at a reduced price click on the button below to add your name to the list.
Namaste - Marzia

I am now a fully qualified Thai Yoga Massage practicioner with the School of Thai Yoga Massage in Cheltenham .
What is Thai Yoga Massage?
TYM is a complementary holistic therapy that brings together the Buddhist spiritual practice of Metta (loving-kindness), with the energetic principles of Yoga ( working with Prana or the life force).
The treatment takes place fully clothed and it is often known as the "lazy person yoga" as the therapist moves the body of the receiver into different supported yoga poses. A full treatment can last up to 2 hours and it is of great benefit to the body and the mind leaving you feeling rested, refreshed and super supple.
Namaste - Marzia