What is Yoga?
Let me start by saying what Yoga is not … Yoga is NOT a religion, it is a system of tools, techniques and moral principles designed to help human beings find their authentic self.
In a more practical sense Yoga is a form of exercise that has been proven to have many benefits such as increasing fitness and muscle tone, reducing stress and anxiety, reducing blood pressure and insomnia just to name a few.
What to expect during a yoga session
Typically a yoga session starts with a short warm up sequence followed by a series of poses known as asanas , a cool-down and a relaxation session normally taken in Savasana (laying flat on a mat belly up).The instructor may also decide to include some breathing exercises known as Pranayama.
Do I have to bring any equipment with me?
You don't have to bring any equipment, I will provide mats and props to help you enjoy the session in the best possible way but if you like to have your own equipment feel free to bring it along.
You don’t need to purchase any specific equipment or clothing , some comfortable loose trousers and a t-shirt will be perfectly fine.
Yoga should not be practiced on a full stomach however a small snack such as scrambled egg on toast or fruit can be consumed especially if the lesson is in the evenings after a full day of activity.
Shall I bring some water ?
You can certainly bring some water , that should be sipped and at room temperature. One of the aims of Yoga is to build heat in the body and cold water would undo some of the work done by the postures. We do however need to remain hydrated.
Can I eat before a Yoga class?
What if I have an injury or a condition?
You should let your instructor know prior to the session if you have any condition. You can do this in person and in confidence or prior to the session by filling in the registration questionnaire. Your instructor will suggest modifications and postures to avoid.
What happens during the relaxation session and do I need to stay ?
The relaxation session at the end of the lesson is integral part of the practice, this is when the body is given a chance to absorb the practice and the mind quiets. You do not have to stay however I would strongly recommend that you do.